Rabu, 25 Juni 2014

After One Year of Marriage...

Be more thankful and grateful to Allah for His many blessings.

Accomplished one of our goals: bought a new motorcycle. We bought it a month right after the wedding. It's the first stuff we've bought together after we get married. Can't wait to accomplish another goals!

Still need more cooking practice. Keep Google-ing some new yummy recipes. I start to love for making homemade meals, by the way! ^_^

Miss my "Me" time. Spa is no longer my bestie through the year. Huhu. I wish I could have that "Me" time again at least once a month. :'(

Less shopping! (uhh...) Save lots of money! (yaay!) Get my pocket thicker and thicker each day! (let's do it!) *finger crossed*

Need a lil' refreshing! The days are getting busier for us lately. Pick your sunglasses and sunblock up! A beach sounds fun, dear! ;-)

Don't have an 'official' honeymoon yet. That last trip to Puncak is not counted since we went there with my brother, cousins, and their children after all. Haha! Still can't find the 'right' time. Fyi, Pipi's office is quite strict about the "cuti" thing. But we're on the way of planning our 'real' one, so... hope it'll happen soon! :D

Still not pregnant after a year of trying. Allah supposedly just give us some more time to groove our super love like a forever newlywed 'till the hectic of the midnight-changing-diaper finally comes. So, it's fine by now. Yet, we do our best to schedule the 'process' of having the junior. Haha! :hammer:

Our love more bigger and bigger!

And yes, I'm still so so so so so so so so in love with him!

2 komentar:

lia mengatakan...

Happy anniversary, ya
Sebelumnya kenalin, nama aku lia.
Aku cuma mau bilang makasih, karena blog ini udah ngasih referensi seputar pernikahan di lampung (ga banyak yang ngeblog pernikahan di lampung, aku cuma ketemu 2 blog yang konsisten ngepost tentang pernikahan mereka di lampung)
Karena aku bisa dibilang baru aja pindah ke lampung, jadi blog ini ngebantu banget saat aku nyiapin pernikahan kemarin. Jadi, makasih banyak ya.

Salam kenal ya

Shinta Feristiqa mengatakan...

Halo & slm kenal jg, Lia ^_^

Mksh ucapannya :)

Wah, senengnya kl tyt postingku bs bntu referensi u/ pernikahan kamu. Love to share! ^_^

Makasih udh mampir yaaa...! :)

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